To build the sort of capital required, the Foundation needs significant funds. This is where we hope you can help. The more we can raise, the more we will have available each year. And we'd like to point out that your donation is not helping just once, but ongoing, facilitating hundreds of young people to experience the life-changing programmes at the Mistletoe Eco-Village. It really is the gift that keeps on giving.
Every dollar we raise will benefit a child and our priority will be on Marlborough children first.
Online Donation Our Give-a-Little page
Direct Debit: 03 1369 0416107 00
Cheque: Postal Address: PO Box 1116, Blenheim 7240
Contact us for more information
The funds donated will be applied by Mistletoe Charitable Foundation to achieving its charitable purposes as stated in its trust deed.
Children were given a life time opportunity experience that steps well above and beyond that of “normal school” activities. What a great experience for all involved and every child will have benefited immensely from the values and activities that they all participated in. The venue itself is inspiring and world class, and the tasks at hand were challenging and stimulating. Camp Parent Comment
To build the sort of capital required, the Foundation needs significant funds. Your donation can help hundreds of young people to experience the life-changing programmes at the Mistletoe Bay Eco-Village. The more we can raise, the more we will have available each year. This is where we hope you can help.